Hair Knowledge

How To Take Off A Lace Front Wig Fast?

Views : 319
Author : Travo
Update time : 2022-07-02 12:21:25

How To Take Off A Lace Front Wig?

To make sure the wig stays in place, wig wearers love the option of using adhesive to lay their wigs because of how realistic it makes the wig look. After wearing the wig for a long time, it will not go anywhere. Now you should prepare the adhesive remover, a spray bottle filled with water, a towel, and shampoo.

1. Spay wig adhesive remover around the hairline

The adhesive remover plays the role of solvent and should be applied to your edges. Spray it around your hairline and make sure not to get in your eyes. It's gonna start dripping, so just touch your head back a little bit.

Make sure the adhesive remover is applied nicely and saturated, then let it sit for five minutes. The longer you leave it on, the more the glue will dissolve. Please don't rub it because you will rub the product all over the place.

Spay wig adhesive remover

If you cannot decide which adhesive remover to choose, you can buy the whole kit because every glue is made differently by different manufacturers. Sometimes, mixing and matching products won't work for you.

2. Take off the lace wig

For the sake of your hairline, do not force the wig off. Go ahead and take it off. After the first step, you can see the wig just lifts up easily and slips off right there. You will notice that see there is some residue on my skin and the lace of your wig. If you want to get out the residue too, you could still spray the remover and just spray it on the hairline and let it sit for a while.

Take off the lace wig

3. Scrub the edge to remove the wig cap

Spray the water on the towel continuously until you dampen it totally. Put some shampoo onto the towel and spray a little water. Go ahead and scrub your forehead, just go in circular motions while doing this. Then continue to spray my hairline with water just a little bit to loosen it up more. You can also add more shampoo during the process.

Scrub the edge to remove the wig cap

Keep on doing this until it starts to come off. As you can see we're already getting one side coming off, keep on massaging it until it's literally slipping off. For the most part, this process is pretty simple. After taking off the wig cap, you have finished removing the wig.

remove wig cap

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