Hair Knowledge

How To Remove Shine From Human Hair Extensions & Wigs?

Views : 291
Author : Travo
Update time : 2023-03-29 11:58:13

Is your wig too shiny? Can people easily tell that it's not your real hair? Are you wondering how to make it look more natural? Then this article is for you! We are wig experts and we know exactly how to help you.

How To Remove Shine From Human Hair Extensions & Wigs?

Shininess is a natural sign of healthy hair. Through the use of various hair care products, we try to achieve a radiant and silky appearance while avoiding dullness and roughness. However, with synthetic wigs, the excessive shine can be problematic. It makes your wig look unrealistic and, most importantly, detectable. Techniques exist to remove this shine from your synthetic wig. Some are powder-based and do not damage the fibers, while others are more aggressive and will shorten the lifespan of your human hair extensions or wigs.

It is possible to make a wig less shiny using various methods. Most of these techniques aim to "wear out" the wig to give it a more natural look. In this article, you will discover our 6 tips for removing shine from your wigs/extensions. After reading, you will be able to make almost any wig less shiny.

Tip 1 - Shampoo, Rinse, That's It

We recommend starting with the basics: shampoo. Use it to make human hair wigs/extensions hair less shiny. The hair on human hair wigs is shinier when it's brand new. Washing it will help "wear out" the hair and remove the shine.

How To Make A Wig Less Shiny With Shampoo:

l  Before doing anything drastic, try washing your hair several times with appropriate wig care methods.

l  Always remember to use a shampoo specially designed for synthetic hair.

l  Using products that are not intended for synthetic wigs can do more harm than good.

Tip 2 - Remove Shine With Dry Shampoo Or Baby Powder

Using dry shampoo or baby powder (talc), it is possible to mattify the hair of your wig and extensions, remove its shine, and make it less glossy. There are tinted dry shampoos available to adjust the effect obtained. How to proceed? Sprinkle the wig's strands with the powder, distributing it evenly, and then remove the residue by shaking the wig for a few seconds. The dry shampoo or baby powder will add texture, and the hair will be easier to manipulate. However, be careful, as baby powder can be a bit heavy for the hair.

How To Make A Wig Less Shiny With Powder:

l  Place the dry wig/extensions on a stand (make sure the wig is dry - never try it wet!).

l  Lightly sprinkle baby powder on the top of the wig or spray it with dry shampoo.

l  Use a wig comb to distribute the powder throughout the strands.

l  Once done, shake the wig/extensions to remove excess powder.

l  Voila! Your wig should now have a less shiny and much more natural appearance.

l  Discover our wig stands by clicking on the image below.

Tip 3 - By Changing The Appearance Of Your Wig/Extensions

Wavy and curly wigs are less shiny than straight wigs because they reflect light differently. If your synthetic wig is straight and heat-resistant, you can try curling, waving, or creating light waves. Spray a heat protectant to avoid damaging the fibers, then use a straightening iron without raising the temperature too high.

How To Make A Wig Less Shiny With Hair Style:

l  Wigs tend to be shinier when they are in a straight and smooth style. Wearing a wig in a wavy, curly, or slightly messy style makes the hair less light, giving a less shiny appearance.

l  Updos and half updos with clips and hairpins will also do the trick. Try using wig mousse and wig spray to achieve a different style. Trying to curl your wig/extensions will give it a more natural look.

l  Wavy wigs have a less shiny appearance.

l  We have reviewed our top three ways to remove shine from human hair wig/extensions. There are other (more risky) methods that our customers have used to remove shine from their wigs. We will share them with you, however, proceed with caution.


Tip 4 – By Increasing The Number Of Washes

Wigs become less shiny over time with each wash. By increasing the number of washes, you will naturally remove the shine from your synthetic wig. However, in exchange, you will wear out its fibers more quickly and shorten its lifespan.

How To Make A Wig Less Shiny With Washing:

l  Waiting is a good way to make a wig less shiny. The more you wear your wig, the more you will notice that the shine disappears over time. This may be due to the fact that you wear it in different environments or follow the recommended washing program.

l  Over time, you will gradually see a modification of the wig that will appear less shiny and more natural.

The following two methods can not only remove shine but also damage your wig/extensions in the process. We generally do not recommend putting anything on your wig/extensions that has not been specifically designed for synthetic wigs


Tip 5 - Remove Shine With Fabric Softener

Some people use fabric softener on their wigs/extensions. That sounds strange, doesn't it? However, many people swear by the effects of fabric softener. Like on your clothes, fabric softener can help soften and eliminate static electricity from your wig, while also removing shine. This technique is also commonly used to revive human hair wigs/extensions. We do not recommend this method as it can damage your wig/extensions. If you choose to use this method, proceed with caution.

How To Make A Wig Less Shiny With Fabric Softener:

l  Fill a spray bottle with water.

l  Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of fabric softener and shake.

l  With your wig on a wig stand, spray the hair with the solution.

l  Gently comb through the wig with your fingers to disperse the solution.

l  Let your wig air dry.

Please note that we do not recommend this method as it can damage your synthetic wig. Proceed with caution if you choose to use fabric softener on your wig.


Tip 6 - Remove Shine With Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is sometimes used on wigs/extensions.

Vinegar does it all. Some wig wearers will use apple cider vinegar to decrease the shine of their synthetic hair. The abrasive nature of apple cider vinegar has the effect of wearing down the outer coating of each hair strand, giving your wig a more realistic appearance.

As previously stated with the fabric softener method, we do not recommend trying this method as you risk damaging the hair or the cap of the wig. Use this method at your own risk.

How To Make A Wig Less Shiny With Vinegar:

l  Fill a spray bottle with water.

l  Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and shake.

l  With your wig/extensions on a wig stand, spray the hair with the solution.

l  Gently comb through the wig with your fingers to disperse the solution.

l  Let your wig air dry.


As you have seen, it is possible to remove the shine from your synthetic wig using different techniques. Of course, it is important to have quality human hair wigs/extensions. Thanks to this article, you are now able to make your wig less shiny. You will have a beautiful natural-looking hair and your self-confidence will be enhanced. If you think your wig is not of good enough quality and is difficult to mattify, we offer virgin hair extensions. They all have a very natural look and are easy to maintain.

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