Wholesale Hair From Factory or Local Middman?
In fact, when you start a hair business, you often wonder if it is better to wholesale hair from the factory or from a vendor (middleman). In this article, we will simply deal with what are, at this time, in 2021, the most logical and advantageous purchasing methods for those who decide to retail hair extensions and wigs in their local market: buy it directly from the factory. And we will indicate the advantages of wholesaling hair from factory.
1. Cost Saving In Hair Products & Shipping
The first and main advantage of buying human hair products from factory is undoubtedly the cost. Wholesale hair bundles and human hair lace wigs from a factory cuts cost as there are no middlemen to pay and shipping steps (repeat shipping is certainly one of the biggest causes for price increases). To help wholesalers save shipping costs and time, our factory provides drop shipping service - that is, we send products directly to your end customers.
2. Reduce Time & Faster Receipt
This is a very important advantage for the user of hair extensions and wigs, since these are hairpieces that need to be changed regularly and therefore there is a need for continuous replacement, eliminating the middleman, therefore reducing time. Remember, in fact, after receiving your order, the middleman or vendor still needs to purchase from the hair factory or supplier he/she cooperates with, and therefore there is not only the delay of their intermediation, but also the late shipment of packages. And if you order directly from the manufacturer, you can get a quick response, which greatly saves the delivery time. You can even book a reasonable delivery cycle with your trusted manufacturer, such as once every 15 days.
3. Higher Quality Guarantee
The intermediary always asks for the lowest possible costing, since he has to increase his margins, this reduces the quality of the hair products he will resell, which will never be of the best quality, since for him price is a priority . In addition, few intermediaries control well each product of each client; they do not have the time or desire to do so and this further reduces the quality of the hair extensions they sell to their clients. However, factory with respect to the same quality will always promise the best quality for your products!
4. Production Consistency
By placing an order in a factory, you will have a constant production, because 'the factory produces everything in its supply chain, which has fixed standards, bases and colors. The middleman or the vendor often orders from different points of sale, it will often lead you to have different hair quality from each other. Although most hair products on the market claim to use 10A grade raw hair materials, the quality of the hair products provided by each manufacturer vary greatly from each other. The vendor or middleman may wholesale products from multiple manufacturers. If you buy from them, you will increase the risk of uneven quality.
5. Diversified Choices and Personalized Customization
If you order from a factory, you can choose from many bases and many colors, you can try new collections and new series, in short, you will have a great choice and you will always be up to date. A dealer or vendor will often offer you outdated product lines. If you want to be at the forefront of the market, it is not a great option to wholesale hair from vendors or middlemen. Since to competitive in market and increase your profits, you will carry out your order to a factory. In addition, the factory can meet your special customization and provide comprehensive OEM services, so that you can get products that meet the needs of end customers in the fastest time to win business opportunities.
6. Greater Knowledge of the Products and Market
If you order from the factory, you will clearly have to be interested in the subject of hair business, make yourself a specialist, you will have a greater and total independence and you will know much more about the matter than being clients of a hairdresser or a retailer. Since when ordering from hair factories such as mysecondhair, they will help you in choosing the products suitable your end customers and your local market, also can provide the most professional product and technical support!